Tag: Resolutions

2016 Reflections & 2017 Goals

Happy Friday! Today I wanted to check in with the New Year’s Resolutions I made for 2016, and also share my goals for 2017. I go through different phases in my life where sometimes I want to make very specific goals, and other times I don’t want to make any goals at all. When 2016 began, I definitely had specific goals in mind. This year, however, I would much rather focus on overall themes than particular resolutions. What I’ve decided to do is check in with the five resolutions I made for 2016, and then share with you what I hope to accomplish in 2017.

If you would like to see my original 2016 New Year’s Resolutions blog post, you can read it HERE. I will be mentioning each resolution as I share my reflections with you.

My first goal for 2016 was to paint my nails more often and try out more nail art. The main reason I made this resolution was because I began this blog to talk about nail polish, and I felt like I needed to use the polish in my collection and share more with all of you. While I did blog a good amount about nail polish in 2016, I did not wear polish much in my daily life. However, I did a fantastic job at decluttering my nail polish collection and getting it down to a somewhat reasonable number for me. I’m at the point right now where if I don’t feel like painting my nails, I’m not going to, and there is nothing wrong with that. I will not attempt  to force myself to paint my nails more, nor try any new nail art.

My next resolution was to nail down a skincare routine. While I definitely did not achieve this goal, I did focus on skincare more than I had in the past. I still struggle when it comes to taking care of my skin, and I know I need to make skincare a daily habit. I see a huge difference in my skin when I use skincare products regularly, and I know taking care of my skin is important. I hope that in 2017 I can make my skin a priority.

Wow! I can’t believe how much my health has changed in one year. In my 2016 Resolutions post, I mentioned how I didn’t aim to go vegan yet, but as it turns out I made the switch in June. I began seeing changes in my health after a few weeks on a vegan diet, and I’m sure that is attributed to eating more products, whole grains, and legumes. I would still like to exercise regularly, as I majorly struggle with being active. I did go on a lot of walks in the fall, but I want to prioritize movement more in 2017. Health is very important to me, both physically and mentally. In 2017 I hope to care for myself mentally by journaling regularly and connecting more with people in person rather than online.

I also wanted to become a more organized person in 2016, and I made great strides with this goal. I got rid of many boxes and bags of my belongings, and I continue to declutter my space on a regular basis. I’m especially proud of the work I’ve done in my bathroom – I no longer hoard products, I only buy what I need, and everything has a place. I even got a lot of products and tools off of my bathroom countertop! My organization was aided by my paper planner, and the dedicated journals I began for my reading and my blog. In 2017 I want to continue to declutter my space. In particular, I want to get rid of the things I own for purely nostalgic reasons.

My final goal for 2016 was to read 40 books. I achieved this goal early in the year, and ended up reading 67 books total! This year I’ve decided to challenge myself to read 50 books. I should easily be able to accomplish this, but I wanted to keep the number on the small side to encourage myself to read longer books. I also want to read more adult fiction this year. I still love young adult, but one reason I love reading is because of the shared experience I can have with other people. My real life friends tend to read popular adult fiction, and I would like to be able to discuss those books with them.

Overall, I am happy with the progress I made in 2016, and I am looking forward to the strides I can make in 2017 as well. I am constantly reminding myself that every day is a new opportunity, and we are in full control to better ourselves at any moment. It’s okay to fail at goals, and it’s okay to change your goals and your direction. I hope you will join me as I discover what adventures 2017 has in store!



New Year’s Resolutions 2016 | Quarter 1 Update

Happy Thursday! We are now a few months into 2016, and I wanted to share an update on my New Year’s Resolutions for this year. I know a lot of you might be feeling disgruntled about your resolutions if they haven’t been going very well, so I hope that if I share my journey and experiences you will feel more inspired to keep going. Resolutions don’t happen overnight – they take hard work and dedication. As long as we are working towards our goals we are being successful! Today I’ll be sharing a quick update on each of my five resolutions, and grade myself on my progress. You can see my New Year’s Resolutions announcement HERE if you missed it!

New Year's Resolutions 2016 | Quarter 1 Update

1. Paint My Nails More Often & Try More Nail Art

Grade: C+

ATORS Holographic Polish in Shiny Blue

I’ve done really well with blogging more about nail polish this year, especially during Manicure March! However, I’m still not wearing nail polish often on a daily basis. I have been swatching a lot lately, so I haven’t painted a full manicure because I know I’ll just have to take it off to swatch. I know that’s an excuse, so I need to get over it and paint my nails more! I’m ready to put my newly decluttered collection to use.

2. Nail Down a Skincare Routine

Grade: B

Yes to Coconut Ultra Hydrating Melting Cleanser

I’ve been doing much better at taking care of my skin this year, but I’m not at the point of a daily routine just yet. I probably do a full morning and evening skincare routine about 4-5 days per week. That is a huge improvement for me, so I’m happy with my progress!

3. Focus on My Overall Health

Grade: C

Health Star Jar

My health goals were broken down into three main categories: taking my daily vitamins, exercising regularly, and eating healthier. I’m doing really well at taking my vitamins. I’ve made it a part of my day, and you can see in my Health Star Jar above that there are a lot of purple stars! Unfortunately, I’ve slacked off big time when it came to exercise. I got sick in January and took some time off, but that time off turned into a couple months off (big oops!). I’m going to try to start with exercising once per week to ease myself back into a routine. Finally, I’ve been eating somewhat better, but my sweet tooth has been overpowering me. I need to conquer it!

4. Organize My Life

Grade: B

ECLP Horizontal #PlanWithPolishlandA general goal of mine is to become more organized in all aspects of my life. I think I’ve done a good job at this so far! I’ve created some new systems that work for me, such as keeping notebooks for certain purposes, coming up with a functional clothing organization system, and storing my makeup. Decluttering has been on the forefront of my mind, and getting rid of unneeded things in my life has helped me become more organized for sure. I’ve also been working on budgeting my money by making sure I buy with purpose. I also keep a spending log to keep track of every dollar that comes in and goes out. My main priority now is becoming more productive and motivated in my daily life.

5. Read 40 Books

Grade: A

January Reading Wrap UpAs of writing this blog post, I’ve read 17 books in 2016! I am well on my way to completing this goal. I was a reading machine in both January and February, and in March I slowed down a bit to focus on longer books and books that require more brain power. I am also writing non-spoiler book reviews for every book I read, so check out THIS section of the blog to see them.

All in all, while there is definite room for improvement, I think my New Year’s Resolutions are going well. It’s important to check in with yourself and be honest about how you are progressing. It is okay if you haven’t even begun work on your resolutions yet! Just don’t give up! I know it can be really hard to motivate yourself, so let’s cheer each other on in the comments! Share your resolutions and progress with me!