As 2022 comes to a close, I want to share about some of the books I read this year. I saw Vicky over at Vicky’s Book Nook on YouTube post the Book Postscript Tag. This tag was created by Mementomori, and it is a fun way to reflect on your reading. This year was quite interesting for me book wise. I began by reading a lot of books that I had accumulated from NetGalley over the years. Unfortunately for me, most of them were pretty bad! I also switched jobs a few months ago, so instead of reading during my long commutes, I’m only reading about 20 pages a day during lunch. Despite my weird reading year, I’m still happy with what I accomplished, and would like to share some of my reads with you!

I am using affiliate links from in this post. While I try to buy all of my books locally and secondhand, whenever I do buy a new books I use this website because it donates a portion of every sale to independent bookstores. With that being said, let’s jump into the questions!
1. The longest book you read this year and the book that took you the longest to finish.
The longest book I read this year is RINGER by Lauren Oliver at 528 pages. This is the second book in the Replica duology, which is a young adult sci-fi series. Lauren Oliver is one of my go-to authors, and this series was definitely thought-provoking and fast-paced. It follows two teenage girls, Gemma and Lyra, as they discover who they really are. If you have any interest in human cloning, I definitely think you would enjoy this series!
The book that took me the longest to read is NIGHT SHIFT by Stephen King. I started this book on November 19, 2021, and I didn’t finish it until June 30, 2022! This is one of King’s short story collections, and I guess you can tell I do not do well with short stories. Overall, these stories were quite good and very creepy. I just have a difficult time with short fiction, and kept putting this book down because it didn’t capture my attention. I was so glad when I finally finished it!
2. A book you read in 2022 that was outside of your comfort zone.
A book I read outside of my comfort zone this year is BEYOND BELIEF: MY SECRET LIFE INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY AND MY HARROWING ESCAPE by Jenna Miscavige Hill. This is the one and only book I listened to on audio this year. I know so many people love audiobooks, but I just can’t get into them. That being said, I did really enjoy this book, which is a memoir by a woman who grew up in the Church of Scientology. This book really opened my eyes about what goes on in this organization. I will never be watching another Tom Cruise movie!
3. How many books did you re-read in 2022?
4. Favorite re-read of 2022.
I am usually a big re-reader, but this year I only re-read one book, so by default it’s my favorite re-read of the year. That book is EASY by Tammara Webber. This is a new adult contemporary romance, which funnily enough it also not something I would normally read. That being said, I enjoy the characters, and I appreciate that there are important topics discussed in this book.
5. A book you read for the first time in 2022 that you look forward to re-reading in the future.
A surprise favorite for me this year is A SUDDEN LIGHT by Garth Stein. This novel follows a boy named Trevor as he spends the summer at the family estate where his father grew up. I absolutely loved how the house was one of the main characters. It is filled with secrets and ghosts. If you like multi-generational novels, I highly recommend this one. It’s heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time.
6. Favorite single short story or novella that you read in 2022.
I mentioned earlier that I struggle with short fiction, but I did really enjoy some of the stories in NIGHT SHIFT by Stephen King. Some of my favorites in this collection are Jerusalem’s Lot, The Ledge, and Children of the Corn. One story that will haunt me forever is The Mangler. It’s the single scariest thing I’ve read by King thus far!
7. Mass Appeal: A book you liked and would recommend to a wide variety of readers.
This year I’ve really enjoyed the Dragon Masters series by Tracey West. This is a children’s book series that I started reading because my nephew is really into it. I love reading the same books as him! I have to say, I got really sucked into these magical fantasy books. They are really cute, and a great palette cleanser between longer adult books. I think this series can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike!
8. Specialized Appeal: A book you liked but would be hesitant to recommend to just anyone.
My favorite read this year is NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS by Patricia Lockwood. This is an autofictional novel, meaning that it’s a fiction book based on the author’s life. While I think that everyone should read this book, I fully understand that many people will not get it or enjoy it. The story is written in two parts. The first focuses on the protagonist’s career in social media, while the second follows her life once a tragic event strikes her family. While devastating, this book is incredibly written and very important. Lockwood is by far one of my favorite authors, as I also love her memoir PRIESTDADDY.
9. Reflect on your year as a bookish content creator (goals met, good/bad memories, favorite videos you made, etc).
This year I hoped to revamp my Bookstagram page @PolishlandReads. Unfortunately, I did not keep up with it very much at all. I struggle to post bookish photos when the majority of the books I read are now ebooks. I hope that next year I can get back into the groove over there!
10. Tag some fellow bookish content creators.
I don’t have anyone specific to tag. If you’re interested in doing this tag, consider yourself tagged by me.
2022 Reading Reflections
While my reading this year went a bit differently than expected, I’m still very happy with what I accomplished. I ticked off many books from by TBR list, I caught up on a lot of NetGalley requests, and I discovered some new favorites. I hope that all of you also had a good reading year. Please share your thoughts on any of these questions in the comments!