Almost five years ago, I discovered the online world of planners through the YouTuber Elle Fowler. Elle made videos about her Erin Condren LifePlanner, and I quickly fell in love with the idea of creating fun planner spreads that were not only functional, but that allowed me to use stickers, washi tape, and other crafting supplies to organize my life. After months of deliberation, I splurged on a LifePlanner of my very own, and I began documenting the entire planning process on this blog and my YouTube channel. With my planner in hand, I quickly dove into the planner community online. For a few years, I hauled stickers, decorated my planner, and interacted with other planner lovers. It was a lot of fun, but I slowly found that I wasn’t enjoying my planner any longer, thus making my YouTube videos obsolete. Today I want to share with you some of the reasons I stopped planning, and thank you for the support you showed me while I shared this hobby with you.

Please note that I do discuss money and the environment in this blog post. It is not my intention to pass judgment on others, and I only bring up these topics in reference to myself.
The quick answer to why I stopped planning is simply because I didn’t enjoy it anymore. When I first got my planner, I was in my most hectic season of life so far – studying for the bar exam! I needed a lot of structure, and since I was under a lot of stress, decorating a planner was a great way to plan out my day while also having a bit of “me time.” Yet once I took (and passed!) my exam, I began searching for jobs, spending more time at home, and not doing anything that really required extensive to-do lists. When I started working, I really didn’t need my planner. My days were fully structured and any spare time was dedicated to errands, chores, and relaxing. I just didn’t need my Erin Condren like I used to, and I felt no desire to return to it. I tried to figure out if other methods of planning would work for me. I spend a few months in a traveler’s notebook system, another few in a monthly planner, but in the end I decided to put the planner down and just go forth without one.
Moreover, my planning habit also died due to changes I made in my personal budget. In the few years I was using my Erin Condren, I spent hundreds of dollars on my planner and all of the supplies that came with it. Planning can be a very expensive hobby, and although I liked to tell myself I was keeping it affordable, I really wasn’t. Yes, I bought things on sale, used coupons, and even received a lot of stickers for free from brands, but I was still overspending. While it is absolutely possible to be a planner on a budget, it can be difficult to look around the community and see coveted “No White Space” weekly kits be priced at nearly $30.00 from the popular shops. As my love for planning fell by the wayside, and my desire to save money became a priority, I quickly realized how unsustainable this hobby was for me.
Similarly, I also began to have concerns about the environmental impact of my planning. Since I liked to decorate my planner, I went through a lot of sticker sheets that most likely could not be recycled. If I was putting all my stickers to use, I didn’t feel as guilty. But oftentimes I didn’t like all of the stickers included with a kit, and found myself with stacks of sticker scraps I didn’t want. While I did giveaways and shared these stickers with others, I still realized that planning can be a very wasteful hobby. In fact, almost every planner supply I’ve come across is in disposable plastic packaging. As I began to learn more about the environment, I couldn’t enjoy planning as much.
In the end, I’m truly grateful for the time I spent in the planner community. Not only was planning a great source of joy for me, but I was able to connect with so many people online through this hobby. I really appreciate those of you who watched my YouTube videos, followed my planner Instagram account, and shared my few #PlanWithPolishland blog posts. At this point in my life, I have no desire to return to planner decorating, but, of course, that may change, which is why I am calling this the “unofficial” end of #PlanWithPolishland. Thank you so much for following this planning journey of mine!