Have you heard of this super fun website called Little Black Bag? It’s another monthly subscription that is really interactive. You pay $49.95 (yes, a bit expensive, but fun to splurge!) and pick one item of your choice. Then, stylists pick 3-4 more items for you based on your answers to a style quiz. Don’t like the items you receive? You have an entire week to trade your items with other Little Black Bag (LBB) users! What kind of items, you ask? There are handbags, jewelry pieces, cosmetics, and more. I, of course, wanted some fancy nail polish! After lots of trading (and a few mistakes) here is what I ended up with.

All together I got a Nila Anthony Ruffle Messenger Bag valued at $75, and two NCLA polishes valued at $16 each! That’s about $57 in savings. Not bad for my first attempt at LBB, but like I said, I messed up a little bit. I traded a handbag that I didn’t like for an item worth half its price, and lost out on that value. Now I know how the trading works, though! I’m hoping in my next LBB I’ll get even more goodies for my $50. I’d love to try out some of the NCLA nail wrap strips, and I’d love some jewelry next time. If you’d like to join LBB, please sign up HERE. I know this is a bit expensive, but you can skip any month if you don’t have room in your budget. I’m sure you’ll love this website as much as I do.
Before I end this post, here’s a closer look at my new polishes. They’re stunning! I can’t wait to try them out soon.