Today’s brand review is inspired by a recent purchase I made at CVS where I got two Sally Hansen HD polishes for 75% off. Usually priced at almost $8, I paid only $3.74 total! With some quick searching online, it seems like this polish is being clearanced in multiple stores. If you like what you see in this post, now is the time to get a great deal on Sally Hansen HD while you have the chance!

Before I purchased Laser and Byte, I already owned the HD polish in Blu. To be honest, I don’t use it very often, but I loved the sparkly, holographic feel of the other HD polishes so I couldn’t resist the purchase. The one thing I really don’t like about Sally Hansen HD is that I always have to use three coats of polish before it becomes opaque. For some reason this really bugs me, perhaps because the bottles suggest otherwise. The good thing is that once three coats are on, my nails look awesome! The HD polish is really sparkly and shiny, and reflects the light. They have a metallic look to them. The polish also lasts for a while before chipping, which is great for girls on the go! Overall, it’s a great polish that can be found at any drugstore or Target.
Moreover, the mani I painted using Sally Hansen HD was inspired by Carly over at Lacquered Lover (check out her site HERE). Carly posts really cool photos so I decided to try out her manicure style and even her photo style! I think it came out really cool, especially since this was the first attempt I made at editing photos like this. Plus, this take on the One for Fun really showcases two different nail colors while still tying them together. I’ll probably use this mani more often! What do you think?!